Guest Speakers

Highly Energetic and Dynamic Internationally and Nationally Recognized Speakers Gracing the Event

Speaker Moses Wetang'ula

Speaker of The National Assembly

C.S. Mithika Linturi

Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Hon. Cornelly Serem

Chairman of the Board, Agriculture & Food Authority

Willis Audi

Director General, Agriculture & Food Authority

Jude Chesire

Director, Agriculture & Food Authority - Sugar Directorate

Shadrack Agaki

Thematic Speaker View Profile

Climate Change Resilience and Mitigation

Kefa Michael Gitau

Thematic Speaker View Profile

Sugar Value Chain Financing

Eng. Richard Kanui

Thematic Speaker View Profile

Adoption of Mechanization to Improve Efficiency

Wang'oru Kihara

Thematic Speaker View Profile

Leveraging Digital Innovations for Sustainability

Patrick Mugenya

Thematic Speaker View Profile

Modern Milling Technologies to Minimize Wastage

Dr. Martin Oulu

Thematic Speaker View Profile

Unlocking Soil Potential for Improved Sugarcane Productivity

Dr. Chrispine Omondi

Panel Lead View Profile

Improving Value for the Small Holder Sugarcane Farmer