Our Story

Overview of the Kenyan Sugar Industry


The sugar industry in Kenya has historically been a significant contributor to the country's economy and agricultural sector. Dating back to the early 20th century, sugar production gained momentum with the establishment of the first sugar factory in 1922. Since then, the industry has grown substantially, and today, it plays a vital role in generating employment, supporting rural livelihoods, and contributing to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Kenya's favorable climate and diverse agro-ecological zones provide suitable conditions for sugarcane cultivation, with major production centers located in Nyanza, Western, Rift Valley, and Coast regions. Over the years, the sector has evolved, transforming from a predominantly state-controlled system to a partially privatized one, with both government and private entities operating sugar mills.

However, the industry has faced numerous challenges, such as outdated technology, low productivity, and competition from cheaper imported sugar. These issues have led to fluctuations in sugar production and periodic shortages, impacting consumers and industry stakeholders alike. The Kenyan government has taken various measures to revitalize the sector, including granting incentives to private investors, rehabilitating state-owned factories, and encouraging small-scale farmers to participate actively. Additionally, efforts have been made to modernize farming techniques, enhance irrigation systems, and increase sugarcane yields. Despite these initiatives, the sugar industry in Kenya continues to face obstacles that hinder its full potential. To ensure sustained growth and competitiveness, there is a pressing need for further investments in research and development, infrastructure, and value addition along the sugar supply chain. Moreover, implementing policies that strike a balance between protecting domestic producers and promoting fair trade practices on the international stage will be critical for the industry's long-term viability. Ultimately, addressing these challenges and harnessing the industry's potential can foster economic development, alleviate poverty, and strengthen Kenya's position as a key player in the global sugar market.

Interested in Booking an Exhibition Space? Take advantage of our Early Bird Rates!

Early bird rates for Local (Kenyan) exhibitors are KES. 14,999 and USD 500 for International exhibitors before August 15th, 2024

Regular rates for Local (Kenyan) exhibitors are KES. 49,995 and USD 799 for International exhibitors after August 15th, 2024

Contact us via email on info@sugarinnovation.org to get an invoice.

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